Tim Media Jusuf Kalla

JK Appoints Central PMI Management For 2024-2029, Here Is The List

Saturday, 21 Dec 2024

The Chairman of the Indonesian Red Cross (PMI), Jusuf Kalla, officially inaugurated the new board for the 2024-2029 term. The ceremony took place at the PMI Headquarters in Jakarta on Friday, December 20, 2024, after receiving government approval for the board's structure. "Today, Friday, December 22, 2024, I, as the Chairman of the Indonesian Red Cross, officially appoint you as the honor board and central management for the 2024-2029 term," JK stated during the inauguration, as seen on PMI's YouTube channel.

JK expressed his hope that the newly appointed officials would perform their duties well. "May God Almighty always protect us all," said the 10th and 12th Vice President of Indonesia.

Here is the list of the Honor Board and Central Management of PMI for 2024-2029:

- Protector: President of Indonesia

- Honor Board Chair: Ginandjar Kartasasmita

- Members: Chairman of the MPR, Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture, Minister of Health, Sofyan Wanandi, Syafrudin Kambo, and Hamdan Zoelva.

Central Management of PMI:

- Chairman: M. Jusuf Kalla

- Vice Chairman: Nanang Sukarna

- Secretary General: Abdurrahman M. Fahir

- Treasurer: Suryani Sidik Faisal Motik

- Head of Organization: Sudirman Said

- Head of International Relations: Hamid Awaluddin

- Head of Blood Donation Unit Development: Linda Lukitari Waseso

- Head of Disaster Management: Asmawi Syam

- Head of Health and Social Affairs: Fahmi Idris

- Head of Fundraising Development: Suwandi Wiratno

- Head of Business Unit Development: Johnny Darmawan

- Head of Law and Assets: Rapiuddin Hamarung

- Head of Environmental and Climate Adaptation: Ninik Kun Naryatie

- Head of Volunteers: Sasongko Tedjo

- Head of Training and Public Relations: Nurani Bawazier

- Board Members: Josef A. Nae Soi, Andi Rukman Nurdin, Tribowo Budi Santoso, Taufan Ansar Nur, CSPWK Adi Gunawan, and Yakobus Dwi Hartanto.


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