Indonesia's improved ranking in the Global Terrorism Index 2024 is expected to have a positive effect on the economy. The head of the National Counter-Terrorism Agency (BNPT), Commissioner General Eddy Hartono, stated that the better rankings in both the Terrorism Index and the Global Peace Index could benefit the country's economic development. Eddy noted that a stable security and economic climate in Indonesia would create opportunities for growth. He mentioned during a press conference at Hotel Aryaduta in Central Jakarta on December 23, 2024, that these achievements are anticipated to influence both the economic and security environments, as security is fundamental.
Eddy added that if security remains stable and manageable, it will positively impact Indonesia's economic development. In the Global Terrorism Index 2024, Indonesia's position improved from 24th to 31st, indicating a better security situation. He explained that this rise means Indonesia is now categorized as having low impact from terrorism. This change is attributed to the collaboration between BNPT, various ministries, agencies, and law enforcement.
Deputy for International Cooperation at BNPT, Andhika Chrisnayudhanto, reported a significant drop in terrorism-related deaths in Indonesia. In 2023, there were no recorded fatalities from terrorist acts, marking a 22 percent decrease. Additionally, the Global Peace Index 2024 showed Indonesia rising five places, placing it in the category of peaceful countries.
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