The President of Indonesia, Prabowo Subianto, has issued Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 202 of 2024 regarding the establishment of the National Defense Council (DPN). A copy of the document released by the Legal Documentation and Information Network of the Ministry of State Secretariat in Jakarta on Sunday (December 22, 2024) states that this action is taken to implement the mandate of Article 15, Paragraph (8) of Law Number 3 of 2002 on National Defense. Chapter 1 outlines the position, duties, and functions of the DPN, describing it as a non-structural body with a strategic role in providing advice and policy solutions related to national sovereignty, territorial integrity, and the safety of the nation.
In carrying out its duties as outlined in Article 2, the DPN has several functions, including developing integrated national defense policies to guide ministries, agencies, and the public in fulfilling their responsibilities to support national defense. Additionally, the DPN is tasked with formulating integrated policies regarding the mobilization and demobilization of national defense components, assessing risks related to national defense policies, and creating policy solutions concerning geostrategy, geopolitics, and geo-economics to align strategic policies and priority programs in national defense.
Chapter II discusses the organization of the DPN, which consists of a chairperson, who is the president, permanent members, and non-permanent members. Permanent members include the vice president, the minister of defense, the minister of foreign affairs, the minister of home affairs, the commander of the armed forces, and several other officials.
To support its functions, Article 6 of the regulation states that the chairperson of the DPN will be assisted by a daily chairperson, who is the minister of defense, and a secretary, who is the deputy minister of defense. The DPN is responsible for formulating integrated strategic policies that encompass geostrategy, geopolitics, geo-economics, as well as the mobilization and demobilization of national defense components.
The function will be carried out through coordination among various ministries and related agencies. The tasks of the National Resilience Council (DPN) will be supported by funding from the state budget allocated through the Ministry of Defense. This presidential regulation also outlines the transfer of funding, human resources, and documents from the National Resilience Council's secretariat to the Ministry of Defense within six months after the regulation takes effect. With this regulation in place, Presidential Decree Number 101 of 1999 regarding the National Resilience Council is revoked and declared invalid. This regulation was enacted on December 14, 2024. More detailed information about Presidential Regulation Number 202 of 2024 can be downloaded at this link.