KPU Launches One Data Map, A Source Of Information For The 2024 Election

Monday, 23 Dec 2024

The General Election Commission (KPU) of Indonesia launched an application called "Satu Peta Data Pemilu" on Friday, December 20, 2024. The chairman of KPU, M Afifuddin, stated that this launch is part of their effort to organize information about the 2024 General Election for better access. "In essence, we have organized all data related to the election and political parties. We have compiled it into a document," he said after the launch at the Ritz Carlton in South Jakarta. In addition to the app, KPU also released a book titled "Perjalanan Data Pemilih Pemilu Tahun 2024." This book tells the story of KPU's hard work from the central to local levels in gathering data. "We are grateful that we have compiled this data since the start of the update process. Now, the information in the Data Information study and voter data has been documented and is available for the public," he explained. He hopes that both the document and the application will be useful and serve as a reference for the community in understanding elections. "And of course, it will also be a reference for all parties," he added.


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