The Ministry Of Foreign Affairs Handling Cases Of Indonesian Citizens Involved In Online Scams Across Nine Countries

, 22 Dec 2024

The Director of the Protection of Indonesian Citizens (PWNI) at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Judha Nugraha, stated that they are currently addressing online scam cases involving Indonesian citizens in nine countries. This issue has expanded from being focused solely on Cambodia. "One point we want to emphasize is that the challenge of online scams is not just the high number of cases, but also the increase in countries involved, which has grown from just Cambodia to nine countries," Judha said during an online discussion held by the National Commission on Violence Against Women to commemorate International Migrants Day 2024 on Wednesday (December 18, 2024).

The nine countries include Cambodia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Laos, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, the United Arab Emirates, and South Africa. Cambodia has the highest number of cases, with a total of 2,962 reported.

Judha also shared the government's experience in dealing with online scams in South Africa. Among seven Indonesian citizens involved, three had previously been assisted and repatriated from Laos and Cambodia. Ironically, they found themselves in similar trouble again. "Last month, we handled a case in South Africa. Interestingly, of the seven Indonesians linked to the online scam, three were our citizens whom we had helped and brought back from Laos and Cambodia. Yet, upon returning, they went back again," Judha explained. "This presents a challenge regarding the recurrence of cases for the same individuals," he added.

Regarding the situation in Cambodia, Judha confirmed that all Indonesians working in the gambling sector did not follow proper procedures. He also noted a significant rise in online scam cases in Cambodia, increasing from just 15 to 2,962 cases. "These are the online scam cases we have recorded, and instead of decreasing, they are actually increasing day by day," he stated.


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