Defense Minister Sjafrie Sjamsoeddin was appointed by President Prabowo Subianto as the Daily Chair of the National Defense Council. Additionally, Deputy Minister Donny Ermawan was named Secretary of the National Defense Council. Observers from noted that Prabowo led the ceremony in Jakarta on Monday, December 16, 2024. The announcer read the presidential decision, stating, "It is decided that the Minister of Defense is appointed as the Chair of the National Defense Council, and the Deputy Minister as the Secretary of the National Defense Council, with financial rights and other facilities according to applicable laws." Following this, both Sjafrie and Donny took their oaths administered by Prabowo. They pledged to perform their duties responsibly. Prabowo stated, "In the name of God, I swear to be loyal to the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia and to uphold all laws with integrity for the service of the nation. I will maintain high ethical standards in my duties and work to the best of my ability." Sjafrie and Donny repeated this oath. Muhidin has taken over as the Governor of South Kalimantan, replacing Sahbirin Noor, who stepped down from his position.
I swear by God that I will fulfill my duties as governor to the best of my ability and with fairness. I will uphold the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia and implement all laws and regulations with integrity. I will also serve the people and the nation, said Muhidin.
KPK Names PDIP Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto As A Suspect
The Minister Karding Appointed 33 Officials In The Ministry Of P2MI
KPK Names PDIP Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto As A Suspect
The Minister Karding Appointed 33 Officials In The Ministry Of P2MI