The Directorate General of Taxes (DJP) of the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) has appointed seven foreign companies as collectors of Value Added Tax (VAT) for Trade Through Electronic Systems (PMSE) in November 2024. The appointed companies include Amazon Japan G.K., Vorwerk International & Co. KmG, Huawei Service (Hong Kong) Co., Limited, Sounds True Inc., Siteground Hosting Ltd., Browserstack Inc., and Total Security Limited. Dwi Astuti, the Director of Counseling, Services, and Public Relations at DJP Kemenkeu, stated that the appointment of VAT collectors for PMSE aims to establish a level playing field for both conventional and digital businesses.
"In order to foster fairness and equality in business for both conventional and digital operators, the government will continue to appoint PMSE entities that sell products or provide digital services from abroad to consumers in Indonesia," she remarked in a written statement, quoted on Saturday (December 14, 2024).
In accordance with Minister of Finance Regulation Number 60/PMK.03/2022, businesses designated as VAT collectors for PMSE are required to collect VAT at a rate of 11 percent on foreign digital products sold in Indonesia. Additionally, collectors must issue proof of VAT collection, which can take the form of a commercial invoice, billing, order receipt, or similar documents that indicate VAT collection and confirm payment. In November, the DJP also made one correction or change to the data of a VAT collector for PMSE, specifically Posit Software, PBC, and revoked the appointment of Global Cloud Infrastructure Limited as a VAT collector for PMSE.
As a result of these changes, by November 2024, the DJP has appointed a total of 199 PMSE entities as VAT collectors. Of these appointed collectors, 171 PMSE entities have successfully collected and remitted VAT amounting to IDR 24.5 trillion. (
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