Litbang Kompas has released the results of the quick count for the vote acquisition in the 2024 West Java Regional Election.
As of the latest data on Wednesday, November 27, 2024, at 21:06 WIB, the sample collection has reached 100 percent.
According to the quick count results, the pair numbered 1, Acep Adang Ruhiyat and Gitalis Dwinatarina, has obtained 10.25 percent of the votes.
The pair numbered 2, Jeje Wiradinata and Ronal Surapradja, received 9.10 percent.
Following them, the pair numbered 3, Ahmad Syaikhu and Ilham Akbar Habibie, garnered 19.41 percent of the votes.
Meanwhile, the pair numbered 4, Dedi Mulyadi and Erwan Setiawan, achieved a significant 61.24 percent of the votes.
It is important to note that these figures do not represent the official vote count from the General Election Commission (KPU), but rather the results from the quick count.
The Litbang Kompas team deployed personnel to 1,600 polling station locations across four provinces: DKI Jakarta, West Java, Central Java, and East Java.
Quick counting is a survey method used to predict the outcomes of elections, conducted by calculating the percentage of election results from a randomly selected sample of polling stations using statistical methods.
Once the data has been collected and processed, the overall election results can be known a few hours after the polls close.
The quick count for the 2024 regional elections conducted by Litbang Kompas employs a rigorous sampling methodology to accurately represent the characteristics of voters in each province.
In each province, 400 polling station samples will be selected using a systematic random method based on the permanent voter list provided by the local election commission in each province.
On election day, interviewers assigned to the selected polling stations will record the vote counts at those stations and promptly report the results to the data center via an application.
The incoming data will be processed immediately at the data center located in Jakarta and communicated to the public swiftly and accurately.
As a note, the quick count results from Indikator Politik as of 18:27 WIB, with 100 percent of votes reported, show that the pair numbered 1, Acep Adang Ruhiyat-Gitalis Dwinatarina, received 9.67 percent of the votes.
The pair numbered 2, Jeje Wiradinata-Ronal Surapradja, garnered 9.10 percent; number 3, Ahmad Syaikhu-Ilham Akbar Habibie, received 20.07 percent; and number 4, Dedi Mulyadi-Erwan Setiawan, achieved 61.16 percent.
It is important to note that the quick count results are not the official election results. The official results will await the manual vote counting conducted by the election commission.
It is known that the West Java regional election features four candidate pairs: number 1 Acep Adang Ruhiyat-Gitalis Dwinatarina; number 2 Jeje Wiradinata-Ronal Surapradja; number 3 Ahmad Syaikhu-Ilham Akbar Habibie; and number 4 Dedi Mulyadi-Erwan Setiawan. (