Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) has launched the website, which contains the track records and comprehensive information about candidates for regional leadership positions in the 2024 local elections. The question arises as to why ICW chose to release this site just one day before the election.
ICW researcher Yassar Aulia stated that there was no specific reason for the timing of the website's launch. He explained that ICW had only recently completed the compilation of data on all candidates participating in the 2024 local elections as of Monday, November 25.
"Why was it launched during the quiet period? To answer technically, during the two-month campaign process, we only finished gathering data last night. That is why it was finalized and launched today," Yassar remarked during the 'Launch of New Features on' event in Pasar Minggu, South Jakarta, on Tuesday, November 26, 2024.
During the same event, ICW member Seira Tamara elaborated that the website provides three fundamental pieces of information about the candidates for regional head and deputy head positions. Additionally, she noted that the site also includes details regarding business affiliations and any connections the candidates may have to corruption cases.
"Some of the information includes their last positions, the electoral districts they represent, and the political parties supporting these candidates," Seira explained.
"Equally important are other elements of information, such as business affiliations, connections to political dynasties, and the individual's links to corruption cases," she added.
Seira announced that the website has implemented an open-source system. The public is encouraged to freely submit proposals for additional information regarding candidates on this platform.
"When users view the profiles of the candidates and notice that certain information is missing, they can click the 'suggest additional information' button, which will direct them to send an email," she explained.
"Users can directly write the additional information and specify which profile it pertains to. The expectation is that there will be significant contributions from the community to enhance this information," she added.
According to Seira, the site currently features approximately 590 profiles of candidates for the 2024 regional elections. It took two months to gather data on the individuals listed.
"In total, about two months were spent compiling these approximately 590 names. This is a substantial number, and it is important to note that the information may not be exhaustive, as it cannot cover all electoral districts due to time constraints and limited local resources," she stated. (