Aion To Produce Three Models At Once Next Year

Monday, 25 Nov 2024

Aion Indonesia is preparing to enter a new phase by locally producing electric vehicles at the Indomobil Group factory located in Cikampek, West Java, in the first quarter of next year. This confirmation was provided by Aion Indonesia's CEO, Andry Ciu, following the launch of the company's flagship product in its inaugural year in the domestic market, the Aion V, which also signifies the company's commitment. "In May 2025, we will commence production of the models that have already been marketed. Each month, a different model will be introduced, starting with the Y Plus, followed by the Hyptec HT, and continuing with the Aion V," he stated at the ICE BSD in Tangerang on Friday, November 22, 2024.

Andry emphasized, "Thus, there will be a different model entering the production line each month." This strategy enables Aion to offer a variety of electric vehicle options that cater to local market needs. Currently, the company is finalizing its investment and organizing the layout of the production facility to ensure smooth operations at the beginning of 2025.

"As for next year, we certainly have more exciting new products in the pipeline," Andry added. The Aion V is one of the models featuring a modern design and attributes tailored to meet the demands of the mid to upper segment of the electric vehicle market. With a focus on efficiency and performance, the Aion V is expected to attract consumers seeking environmentally friendly vehicles that remain practical for daily use.

Meski semua model Aion, termasuk Aion V, akan diproduksi secara lokal, Andry menyatakan bahwa produksi awal belum mencakup baterai, sehingga tingkat komponen dalam negeri (TKDN) yang dicapai baru sekitar 40 persen. Ia menambahkan bahwa peningkatan TKDN menjadi target jangka panjang perusahaan, terutama jika regulasi mendukung produksi baterai secara lokal. Aion V diharapkan menjadi salah satu produk penting dalam strategi ekspansi Aion di Indonesia, mengingat meningkatnya minat konsumen terhadap kendaraan listrik. (


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